Should Justin Trudeau Resign amid Scandal?
Let us know your selection, results will be displayed upon giving a response. Below is a brief explanation for those not up to date, or require more information. Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, wore brownface makeup to a party at the private school where he…
Should E-Cigarettes be Banned?
Below is the poll, let us know what your stance on E-Cigarettes is. Results will be shown after providing a response. Below is a brief explanation of this poll for those not up to date, or require more information. President Trump held a policy meeting…
Brett Kavanaugh Impeachment Poll
Let us know your thoughts on impeachment, results will be displayed upon giving a response. Below is a brief explanation of this controversy for those not up to date on it. Justice Kavanaugh denied sexual misconduct accusations that were made against him by two women…
7 Steps to Protect Yourself from the Effects of Smog
Smog is one type of outdoor air pollution that can cause particular problems for people with existing health problems, including chest, lung or heart complaints. Outdoor air pollution could be responsible for 3.3 million premature deaths across the globe every year, according to recent research…
10 Simple Ways To Achieve True Happiness
It’s pretty simple—happiness not only feels good, but it is good for your health, your relationships, your work, and your life in general. This world needs more happy people. Experiencing true happiness is a matter of changing your thoughts, being grateful, being kind, smiling, and…
These U.S. Cities Are the Safest Places to Live
Life involves hazards. Traffic accidents, natural disasters, and other setbacks occur everywhere, but some regions are much safer than others. If you hope to have a safe, healthy life, you’ll want to pack up and head to one of these U.S. cities, the safest places…
9 Exciting Ways to Live a More Adventurous Life
On its most basic level, adventure is just plain fun and a cool experience to write and ‘gram about. And stepping outside of your comfort zone won’t just make your life feel more interesting, it will also change you for the better — making you…
5 Secrets To Climbing The Career Ladder
Do you think it’s time you moved ahead in your career? Many of us land a job and are extremely grateful to be employed, but always harbor a dream that someday we will move up within the organization. But opportunities usually just don’t fall out…
12 Things Successful People Do on Their Commutes
According to a 2012 study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, people with longer commutes had higher blood pressure, bigger waistlines, and were less fit than those who worked closer to home. Swedish research from the year before found that couples in which at…
10 Things You Should Bring On Every Day Hike
Whether you’re casually hiking to a favorite waterfall or bagging a difficult summit, carrying the proper equipment is absolutely critical. When things go wrong, as they often do, this can mean the difference between a minor inconvenience and a dire result. For first-timers and sage…